nz stock photos website
grabb is your prime address to buy stock images
Are you looking for classy images for your website and marketing material? grabb holds over 100,000 stock photos from around the world with the majority from New Zealand. Our stock images cover a multitude of subjects such as landscape, aerial, architecture, culture, lifestyle, rural, industrial, abstract - excellent for illustration and fine art, marketing and web content, kitchen splash-backs or office murals.
Using a stock photos website to buy stock images can be more cost-effective than shooting on commission, so contact us and send through your wish list and details. We will then send you a link to a secure client-only gallery of images that match your description and from there we can hone your selection together.
grabb stock photography is rights managed and a usage license will be issued specifically for the use of the stock photo, the given period and the geographic scope. The value of the license will depend on the usage, so please be specific about what you want to use the stock image for.
![Example 3.jpg](
![Card 13 Ngauruhoe Star Trails.jpg](